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Shasta Nelson CoachingCircles friendship coaching




September 8 - November 17, 2024

Ready to make new friends? Ready to feel closer and more connected to your current friends?
Ready to finally invest in your belongingness? 

Offered twice each year, CoachingCircles are for women who are ready to make their friendships a priority with support, accountability, inspiration, and connection. This popular three-month program includes live teaching and Q&A sessions with Shasta, video classes, member-led small groups, and accountability. 

Looking for a shorter, more affordable option? Join the mini version for only $179!


In a nutshell: anyone who wants more meaningful relationships and is ready to invest more attention and TLC into this part of their lives. If you want more joy and belongingness in your life and are willing to combine personal growth with action, then I’m ready for you! We always have a wide range of ages—from women in their 20s to their 70s.

This might include women who…

  • Feel isolated or alone and wish for more meaningful conversations and connections where they feel seen

  • Have recently moved or changed jobs and want support and direction as they build new relationships and maintain existing ones

  • Have gone through big changes recently and want to re-evaluate their friendships and make sure they’re being intentional going forward

  • Feel like they don’t know enough people and want to be matched with potential friends

  • Feel like they have friends, yet don’t feel like their friendships are as meaningful and enjoyable as they wish

  • What are TravelCircles?
    TravelCircles are international trips, hosted by author and social relationships expert, Shasta Nelson, and organized by Altruvistas travel agency, designed to bring people together for meaningful travel. These are group travel experiences with the primary intention of seeing as much of the “must-sees” as possible in our destination countries, but with a secondary intention of meeting new friends and having fun together as a group. We take special delight in planning magic moments off the beaten path, curating meaningful conversations with locals, and scheduling unique hands-on experiences in each country, and similarly, we are just as intentional about fostering belongingness among those who choose to travel with us!
  • What is the focus of TravelCircles?
    These TravelCircles are unlike any other trip you could ever go on because of two special features: ​ Bond with new friends! Most travel is either with people you already know or with groups of strangers where you're herded like cattle . . . Ours is a beautiful mix between the two: a small group of strangers committed to traveling as new friends! With social relationships expert Shasta Nelson as our host, her goal is to help us connect in casual but meaningful ways. We love the diversity of ages and backgrounds that come together to share their love of travel with each other. We keep our groups small and meaningful—anywhere between 10-16 women—which ensures our circle is small enough to connect and yet large enough to ensure there is always someone excited to go with you on a side excursion (the group doesn't have to be together all the time!). Enjoy the focus on women! We'll still see all the famous sites and experiences of every destination, but we're also being super intentional about adding some experiences that will connect us with women in each country: cooking classes, visits to agencies that are helping women's issues, dance classes, meaningful conversations with local women about their life in that country, etc. So we're not just traipsing through a country; we're doing so with some intention to respect and meet our sisters in other countries!
  • Are these trips for women only?
    Historically, these trips were women-only trips and our goal is to always have 2 new trips every year for women. However, in response to demand, Shasta also occasionally invites her husband, Greg Nelson, to join her and opens those trips up to both men and women! Watch the list as it’s our intention to have at least 1 trip each year that is also open to men!
  • What is the style/philosophy of travel?
    Eco-consciousness & Social Responsibility: Our travel partner Altruvistas is committed to making sure that as much of our travel money as possible is used for supporting the local economy. Their goal is that we really connect with the country and people by getting off the tourist trail, connecting with locals in conversations, and supporting philanthropic organizations along the way. This means, for example, that rather than stay in familiar US hotel chains, great care is given to stay in locally owned hotels that, on a rare occasion in certain countries, may be more humble than we’re accustomed to in the US but will always be chosen because they are clean and safe. Diverse Itinerary: Some groups cater to the outdoors/adventure, some to literature and art—we try to do a little bit of everything! That means we will always see the famous sites and pick a few important museums, try to show you a bit of the country, connect you with a few community organizations so you can find out the needs of the country, and then schedule some really special moments like a cooking workshop, a craft class, or a concert. Plus, there is always time for meaningful shopping excursions. Multi-Generational: Some of our best feedback has come from women who were surprised how much they loved the multi-generational connections made on these trips. There is something really magical about reminding ourselves that we can connect and love far more people than those who are most like us. On most trips we have women spread out through ages 21-65! Loving Connection: Shasta, a social relationships expert, hosts all these trips to help facilitate some connection and foster healthy group dynamics. Our goal isn’t just that you travel with others, but that you get to know them and love them! You’re an adult! We trust you! While we hope everyone is as conscientious of the group as possible (i.e. showing up on time, being kind), we most definitely don’t see our role as babysitters! If you need a day off—take it! If you would prefer to skip the museum and sit in a café instead—do it! Just let us know what you need and prefer—we’ll aim to please!
  • What sizes are the TravelCircles?
    Our groups can be anywhere between 10-16 people. That means we’re small enough to rent our own private van, fit into cute restaurants, and not feel like we are lost in a huge tourist group, but we're also big enough to find someone we relate to, to learn from each other, and to ensure we can schedule special features only available to groups.
  • Who exactly is in charge of these trips?
    While social relationships expert Shasta Nelson chooses the destinations and approves the itineraries of every trip, it is Altruvistas, a registered and licensed travel agency, who will oversee our trip. Altruvistas is an eco-conscious and socially responsible company in charge of communicating all trip details, answering your questions, hiring guides and translators, contracting all lodging, ground transportation, and activities, etc. We chose Malia and her team because of their integrity, strong reputation in the ecotourism industry, and passion for scheduling local experiences that are off the beaten path. All your liability forms are with them directly and we are covered under their insurance. Once on the trip, you are in the care of two people at all times—a local guide who oversees logistics (hired by Altruvistas) and Shasta, who is there to love on you and foster healthy group connections!

CoachingCircles is a 12-week program that focuses on deepening our relationships with others. Every week, you will invest 60-90 minutes learning about, talking about, and practicing more meaningful connections in your life. With a combo of pre-recorded classes and live opportunities, there will be three different formats:

  • 4 Live Events and Q&As: Shasta will host four live Zoom events throughout the program. They will all be scheduled at different times (i.e. Sunday afternoon, Monday evening, Thursday afternoon) to increase the odds that you can join at least one of them live, but they will also be recorded for you to watch at your own convenience if you’re unable to join us. 

  • 4 Pre-Recorded Classes: Every other Sunday, we will email you a pre-recorded class that you may watch anytime that week that feels convenient for you.

  • 4 Live SharingCircles: In the week following the class, you will meet via Zoom with a smaller group of 4-5 women to discuss the theme from class. A conversation format is included to ensure everyone enjoys meaningful sharing and bonding opportunities with the women in your Circle. You’ll be matched with a group that meets at a time convenient to you so that you can do these live—you’ll provide your availability in the application! (These are often rated as the highlight of the program!)

  • Connecting Partner: You’ll have an optional opportunity to be matched up to an accountability partner who you can check in with weekly for 30 minutes via phone. This is a great chance to share your intention every week and feel supported and seen, but it’s also another opportunity to build a new friendship!

  • Online Community: Using Mighty Networks, we’ll have a private online community where we’ll share our weekly takeaways, ask questions, and brainstorm practical ideas for strengthening our friendships.

  • Extra Resource! I’ll gift you one of my books of your choosing!

  • The 5 Circles of Friendship, which will teach you how to evaluate the levels of connection within your current friendships

  • The 3 Relationship Requirements that form the foundation of all healthy relationships

  • A framework to self-assess your own friendship skills

  • The ability to identify specific areas of growth and development in your relationships

  • Live coaching and advice, customized to your unique friendship needs and goals

  • New connections with women who are also investing in their friendships

  • Support and accountability in practicing new ways of building belongingness

  • Practices, ideas, and rituals to strengthen your friendships


“Thank you so much Shasta. I learned way more than I thought was possible. I’ve followed you and read your books so I was worried it’d be repetitive but your videos went so much deeper and the process really held me accountable to applying things I’m learning. It was all so very helpful!”

For 4 live Zoom events with Shasta, 4 pre-recorded classes taught by Shasta, 4 SharingCircles (via Zoom, 1 hour each), a book of your choice, the option to be matched up with a weekly connecting partner, an online community, and all teaching & resources:

$485 (DEC. 25 - JAN. 10)

Plus, if you feel like you will benefit from more personal, one-on-one coaching, joining CoachingCircles gives you access to add-on private coaching with Shasta—an offering she only makes for CoachingCircle participants. 


Please reserve your spot by clicking the button below and paying the registration fee. After we receive your payment, you will receive an application that we’ll use to match you in your SharingCircle. We want to keep the size intimate, so this CoachingCircle will fill up fast, but we’ll give priority based on the order of applications received and when we can match you into a group depending on your interests and availability.

Refund Policy: If we cannot match you into a group based on your availability and interests, we will refund you no later than January 12. Once the course has begun, refunds are only granted after Week 6  if you feel we are not providing exceptional content or living up to the promises outlined on this page. Once we match you into a group, you've taken a slot someone else could have had, so we are unable to refund simply because you've gotten busy or did not follow through on your commitment. In the case of an emergency, we will credit you for a future CoachingCircle.


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© 2035 Shasta Nelson. Fueled by Belongingness.

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